أفضل طرق المذاكرة للأطفال ونصائح للتشجيع على التفوق
في بداية العام الدراسي بيبدأ القلق من المناهج عند الأم، وفي بعض الأحيان بيزيد العند بينها وبين أولادها عشان المذاكرة، ومن الأسئلة اللي بتسألها الأمهات
مدرسة مودرن سكول الشروق واحدة من أقدم مدارس الشروق تأسست فى 2008 م.
اقسام المدرسة :
المصروفات الدراسية للعام 2024-2025 م
تشمل المصروفات رسوم التعليم والانشطة فقط
سن القبول لمرحلة الحضانة 4 سنوات و 8 شهور فى 1 أكتوبر (KG).
سن القبول للتمهيدي 3 سنين و 6 اشهر في 1 اكتوبر
رسوم ابليكشن 700 جنيه مصري ولا يتم استردادهم
كثافة الفصول 30 طالب كحد أقصى.
يفتح باب التقديم في شهر يناير ويستمر حتي اكتمال الاعداد
المجاورة الثانية - بجوار مسجد السلوى - الحي الأول - مدينة الشروق - القاهرة
عبدالظاهر احمد عبدالظاهر
أغسطس 22, 2022 at 1:49 مالسلام عليكم ورحمه الله وبركاته
هل يتقبلوا تقديمات جديده للصف الثاني الابتدائي عربي
والمصاريف كام
مارس 23, 2023 at 5:44 مA personal opinion based on my experience with the school and with all our respect and great appreciation for the personalities of all the school staff and owners
Administratively, educationally, socially and academically, the school’s performance is poor based on our observations of the following:
First: Administrative
School administration members have a weak and inaccurate idea of their school
Addressing parental involvement in school life and the education of their parents rather than promoting the aforementioned high levels of participation.
Prohibition of communication between the parents’ council and the school’s owners who play their role in holding the school accountable for its level of performance.
Second: educational and educational
Some of the teaching staff, in addition to their academic specialization, which is not suitable for the teaching profession, do not have an educational qualification degree.
(Not to mention the illegality of that)
Double review and improve teaching
In terms of using the appropriate range of teaching strategies to help promote good learning
While ensuring that the lessons are able to meet the interests of students and enable them to achieve a high level of participation in their learning.
And witness to that
Discovering that all of my son’s assessments are not connected to his actual learning outcomes from external tests.
Third: social
Corruption of the social perception among the lower levels of the administrative and educational staff, and the disregard for parents in comparison to the political and legal influence of the school owners.
– Likewise, cases of inappropriate behavior occur frequently among students as a result of some of the teaching staff deliberately distorting the social response among students, especially from the kindergarten stage. Rather, assaulting students is sometimes by bullying, and sometimes by physical abuse, and I will add to you the burden of favoritism and discrimination in favor of some students in anticipation of the hateful dependency ties.
يونيو 8, 2023 at 5:49 مالسلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته هل لسه متاح التقديم ل Kg ولا تم استكمال العدد
يونيو 8, 2023 at 5:51 مالسلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
هل يوجد تقديمات ل كجي ولا تم استكمال العدد
marwan ahmed
أبريل 15, 2024 at 2:07 مهل مازال متاح التقديم والتحويل لعام 2024
kg1 و g 1